Day 31

As we had a long passage in front of us and we wanted to arrive well before dusk we were up at 5.30am and gone by 6.00am in the dark.  The morning was clear visibility at this point and the escape from the anchorage straight forward as the navigation buoys and lighthouses are very easy to spot in this channel.

In what seems to be the pattern here at the moment we had no wind and a bit of fog.  This time convection fog coming out from river valley's as big banks of very thick fog.  We skirted around a number of these through the morning until the sun burnt them off.

Unfortunately again in the afternoon what wind there was, was very light and again not really sailable.  So we pretty much motor sailed the whole leg.  One highlight was that a very large pod of dolphins spotted us and approached the boat to ride the bow wave for some time.

Also on arrival in the bay we were met by a full rainbow, no pot of gold though!

We arrived at Gijon about 7.00pm 71 miles run in 14 hours gives us a total mileage on this trip so far of 1032 miles.

The rugged scenery of the North coast

Approaching Gijon

Our approximate track