Day 46

A shorter day's sail today with an early 06:30 start to catch the east going tide.  The wind was good though from the east and reminded us we were getting closer to home as light clothes were quickly overlaid with warmer layers.

We anchored shortly after midday in a bay sheltered behind a line of rocks just to the west of Ile de Batz (the other side from Roscof).  The tide rises and falls by 4.2m here so there was some careful considerations on where to anchor - too far out and the anchor may catch on rocks, too far in and we might be aground at low water.  We found the sand and low water has just passed and we are still afloat - tidal calculations confirmed.

Out of the wind we are back with roasting temperatures prompting Paul to go for another swim to cool off.  As the skipper I have to stay with the boat - 18°C is still not warm enough for me.

Anchorage near Ile de Batz

Our track